Putting coaches in the driver's seat when it comes to client attendance, managing their physical abilities, managing their expectations inside and outside of the gym, and helping them progress over a long period while paying them well to do so are the reasons that coaches in Madlab model have the success they do, and is why the owners of these gyms can focus their attention on helping three to five people thrive (the coaches) while spreading the load of managing of 100-300 people (all the clients).
Six Reasons To Put The Coach In Charge Of Client Success:
#1 - Reduce Infrastructure Costs to Free Up The Business Owner
When the owner is the only person checking in with clients, monitoring attendances and looking after all the billing and HR issues that arise in any workplace, their focus quickly switches from growing their business to managing their business.
Empowering a coaching staff to focus on the management and the day-to-day aspect of servicing the paying customer is the key to allowing the business owner to step back and focus on growth and increasing the quality of the product.
When coaches are not in charge of client success, the gym owner usually finds themselves needing to spend money on inefficient, stop-gap measures to find new clients and retain current ones, such as hiring customer service managers, or paying for automated software solutions or expensive marketing efforts.
#2 - Improve Attendance
When a coach is incentivized to manage a book of clients, they become more invested in the attendance and the long-term success of those clients. It gives the client someone they feel comfortable turning to with questions regarding the gym, and it also reassures the client that someone other than the business owner actually wants them to keep showing up.
Food for thought: The flaw in most gyms is that people pay for a service, but no one ensures they are actually using it.
#3 - Manage Clients Physical Abilities
New people can especially get lost in the shuffle, and their personal needs and wants can often get forgotten. Having a personal coach who checks in with the client and even schedules regular personal training sessions with a member to review movement patterns, exercise prescriptions, and an overall approach to going to the gym allows the member to feel more prepared and gives the coach a greater sense of responsibility than just coaching a group class.
#4 - Manage Client Expectations
Like managing physical abilities, coaches need to check in with clients to manage their expectations. Most members in a gym need to be educated on how progress happens and how health and fitness aren't just created in the gym. This leads to #5...
#5 - Help Them Outside Of The Gym
Exercise is just part of a healthy lifestyle. Coaches and gym owners know this, and most customers know this, but they don't know how to make the incremental changes needed to sustain healthy habits for a lifetime. When a coach-client relationship is established, it's easier to start adjusting the things outside of the gym like sleep, nutrition, and stress.
#6 - Higher Coach Pay
When coaches provide more than just coaching cues and can-do-attitude to members, they become more valuable. When a coach becomes more valuable, they can charge a higher fee for their time and service. Allowing coaches to do this, all the while compensating them based on performance (meaning based on their ability to attain and keep clients) will keep coaches in your facility longer and will allow them to earn a professional wage.
Final Thought: When coaches are empowered to act as a business owner—ie. when they’re in charge of client success—clients are more successful and client retention soars, and coaches are now valuable enough to earn a professional wage and pursue a lifelong career in the fitness industry.
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