It doesn’t take owning a gym to know everyone has a different relationship with money.
Some people are deal hunters who collect coupons and won’t buy anything that’s not on sale. Some come into the gym and think they’re at a car dealership and try to get you to lower your price because they’re a fireman or teacher, or whatever profession they chose that makes them feel deserving of a lower price. And then there are others who come in and pay for a year upfront without blinking an eye.
And, of course, there’s everything in between…
Regardless of where your clients fall on the frugal to spendthrift spectrum, talking to people about money can be awkward. And telling people, they’re going to have to pay you more money has the potential to be really awkward.
But the truth is, raising rates is a reality of any gym business owner’s world, especially today, yet a lot of gym owners are still hesitant to raise rates for fear of losing clients.
Food for thought: Have your massage therapist and hairdresser raised their rates in the last 10 years? Has your car insurance gone up? Your Netflix rate? So why would your gym business be any different?
How do I know if my rates need to be raised?
Rule of thumb: If you cannot take home at least 10-15 percent profit (after you pay yourself a wage), chances are your rates need to come up. And if you have people paying less than 80 percent of your current rate (For example, if your current rate is $250 a month, nobody should be paying less than $200 no matter how long they have been there), chances are some people’s rates need to come up.
Or, if you’re struggling to make a living and your coaches aren’t making a living, your rates need to come up. Period.
So how do I go about delivering the difficult news to my clients?
Here are some tips:
One-on-one In-Person Conversation
Don’t deliver the news in a group email. Don’t host a client evening and tell your community together. Don’t send a text message. Don’t even phone your clients.
Arrange a day and time to meet with each person individually.
Yes, it’s time-consuming, but it’s the best way to deliver the news properly and is the best way to ensure people don’t get up and quit on you.
Everyone will react to the news differently, and this gives you a chance to navigate each situation differently depending on how the person reacts and your relationship with them.
Recently, I had to deliver the news to two clients:
The first was a client who has been with us for four years. I told her her rate had to go up, and she said, “Yep, I get it. Your rent has gone up a lot. Don’t even tell me how much it’s going up. Just bill my card.”
The second conversation was with a Dad, where I had to explain that his daughter’s rate needed to go up because we had been giving her a student rate for a while, although she’s no longer a student and is also receiving additional programming, meaning she was basically paying only 40% of what she should be.
At first, he was taken aback but then softened as I explained all the services she had ultimately been getting for a year and a half and wasn’t paying for. He kept going on and on about family rates and student rates and that he wants his two sons to join soon, but it’s getting more and more expensive.
Then I asked him what a reasonable discount was because right now, his daughter was basically getting a 60% discount. When put that way, he agreed 60% was a huge discount. Suddenly, he was OK with raising her rate. After 20 minutes and some negotiation, we settled on a price. His daughter’s rate was bumped from $180 to $250, which he became OK with paying because he understood the value of the service she was receiving.
There’s no way I would have been able to get him on board with a $70 a month rate increase via email or text. And there’s no way I could have had this conversation with him in a group.
Don’t Overpromise
It can be tempting when you’re raising your rates to feel like you need to promise all sorts of things, like committing to buying 10 new rowing machines or adding three new class times, just because.
Unless you’re going to do these things anyway and have built it into your budget and plan for the year, don’t promise things you haven’t thought through just because you’re scared of losing a client.
Don’t Assume
It’s easy to play the assumption game when predicting which clients will react positively or negatively to a rate raise. As a result, sometimes you avoid the conversations with the clients you expect might quit, or you go into the conversation fearful of their reaction and aren’t authentic in your conversation with them.
In my experience, sometimes the people I expect to kick up a fuss don’t bat an eyelash. Stick to your guns! Let the client react how they react before you change your approach, or start negotiating a price with them to keep them at the gym.
Be Transparent
Though not necessary to justify your rate increase, if people question your motives or if they as you directly, it’s OK to be very clear about your costs and expense increases you have incurred as a business.
Whatever your reasons are, often it helps people understand if you explain the finances and why rates need to go up.
Think About the Future
The first time you raise rates, they might need to go up quite a bit, especially if you have people grandfathered at $120 a month, but after the initial rate raise, put in plan a place to make smaller, more frequent raises moving forward.
At Madlab School of Fitness, we did an initial rate in 2017 (for the first time in 12 years of business at that time), and now we have a built-in rate increase each year that depends on inflation. That amounts to a manageable increase per month for the client, which is easy for people to stomach.
Bottom Line: The first rate raise will likely be the most painful, and you might lose a couple of clients. Generally, though, they’re the people who were about to quit anyway. The ones you want will stick will, and your business will be stronger for it.
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